DNF (sort of) The Shell Collector by Hugh Howey

I made a mistake last week.

In my TBR post about The Shell Collector, I said I would either come back to review the book or DNF. But the fact that I had posted about the book somehow made me feel obliged to finish it.

A week later, I was only at 50%. Of a book that’s 230 pages long. If that doesn’t scream, DNF, I don’t know what does. But I was compelled to finish.

So I got in the tub last night and vowed not to get out until I was done. An hour later, my goal accomplished, I was able to identify why it took me so long to read this book.

The Shell Collector is a romance novel.

This is not a badly written book, although I thought the pacing was way too slow and the characters were underdeveloped until about 80% into the book. But I am pretty sure I felt this way because I was expecting a different kind of book. 

I’m not a big romance reader, so I don’t feel qualified to review a romance novel. What I came here to say is that I should have DNFed this book.


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