TBR: The Shell Collector by Hugh Howey
I have a huge TBR (to be read) pile. I’m not exaggerating. I
have over 1700 books on there, and I do weed it periodically. This is a problem
for me, because I want to read them all. My reading goal for this year is 100
books. I will probably achieve that, or come very close. But, do the math! It
will take me 17 years to read all of those books, and only if I don’t add any
more to my TBR (unlikely).
I am a huge fan of Hugh Howie’s Wool trilogy. The
stories are character driven, and the plot is original and suspenseful. I am
also impressed that Wool was originally self-published after Howey won
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). His books are mostly dystopian, but
not cheesy or cliché.
The Shell Collector
Hugh Howey
Release date: November 2014
Publisher: Broad Reach Publishing
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
Pages: 282
Format: ebook
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